Creating a baby registry was challenging for me, as I had never cared for a baby before. I didn’t really know what babies needed.

To build my registry, I made a “best of” baby registry products based on my friends’ registries, and my sister’s baby registry. I thought they all did really good jobs finding a variety of highly-rated products.

My baby registry might’ve been unique because I received clothes and toys as hand-me-downs, as well as things like a breast pump, a diaper pail and a bassinet (and crib). But I was lacking in several other departments, as I perused more and more registries.

If you are in a similar boat as the one I was in, you can use my baby registry ideas below to round out your registry and make sure you include ALL the essentials that you and your baby will need, in the first year!

Get started with your Amazon baby registry and see the suggestions below!

Friday Baby health and grooming “tools”

I don’t know if I would’ve survived my first year of parenting without the Frida Baby health, medical and grooming tools! A few of our favorites from our registry are….

Frida baby scrub brush (Skinsoother)

We’re still using this scrub brush for baths with a toddler! This easy silicone scrubber is gentle and does a better job at lathering shampoo than I could do. Plus, it’s travel-sized. We’ve taken it on trips away from home.

Frida Snot sucker

Until your baby has a runny nose, the Snot sucker will sit in the box. But when you need it … WOW—it’s the favorite solution of ours, and all other parents we know, for relieving stuffy noses.

Frida Baby Grooming kit

The little hair comb, hair brush, baby toothbrush and nail scissors have come in handy most days in the past year for us. This grooming kit really nailed it all and I’m grateful I found out about it from my sister’s baby registry.

A high-quality sound machine (Hatch Rest+)

We received a cheap sound machine as a baby gift (it was “off-registry”), and when we turned it on, we didn’t like what we heard. We returned it, and instead, we put the Hatch Rest sound machine on our registry. It’s a brilliant product that works with Bluetooth and an app.

Helpful Tip

If you’re thinking of registry gifts for your second child, remember to get a second sound machine, and check out my list of baby registry essentials for a second child.

Little Remedies Essentials Kit

We didn’t have to open up the Little Remedies kit until a few months after our baby was born, but when the time came, we were SO thankful that we had a ready-to-go kit of Mylicon drops, saltine drops and baby Tylenol at our fingertips.

I recommend putting a kit like this on your registry because it’s a great backup for the middle of the night when you need these things and can’t go out to a drugstore. Chances are, you’ll use at lease one of the products in it within a few months of giving birth.

Stroller accessories

Our stroller accessories were a lifeline for our sanity in the first few months (and year) of having a baby. It’s impossible to count how many hours we’ve used our stroller, and the stroller accessories have let us survive wind, rain, heat, a place to put our coffee mugs and a stash-all solution for our “stuff.”

Stroller fan

A stroller fan is crucial for walks with the baby as soon as the weather gets hot! We put this generic one that has octopus legs on our registry and it has performed great.

Stroller cup holder

A “universal” cup holder for our stroller was a good idea for putting on our registry!

It holds all water bottles, even my giant 24-oz thermos.

Toddler snack tray

We put the snack tray that paired with our stroller model (the UPPAbaby Vista) on our registry, and when it came in the mail, having been purchased by a friend off our registry, I laughed.

I never thought our baby would be big enough to eat snacks off it. Of course, babies grow! And this product has been indispensable when we go to the zoo and the park.

Parent “organizer”

I didn’t know how important a parent organizer (we call it the “console”) would be.

It’s the very place where I put my phone, headphone case, sunscreen bottle, tissues, burp cloth and you-name-it. This is a great idea for your registry.

Diaper cream and diaper rash ointments

While this seems like a non-glamorous idea for a baby registry, hear me out: we put several brands of diaper cream and diaper rash ointments like Desitin Maximum Strength on our registry and they got purchased by a family member. In the first few months of our life with a baby, we got to try out all these brands and see what worked best!

Bottle brushes and tiny little pipe cleaner brushes

A bottle brush? Why would I need that? (These are things I thought before having a baby)

Bottle brushes are a great invention, and I’m happy I put them on my registry. They help clean bottles better than a dishwasher can, because you can get into all the corners of the bottles (or use them if your dishwasher is running, or in between loads).

For the pipe cleaner brushes, we WISHED we had put these on our registry. These tiny brushes are the only way to clean tiny straws that come on baby’s first straw cups. We wish we knew!

Baby monitor

Everyone has a different preference for a baby monitor, and Dan did a TON of research regarding which brand to get. We eventually got the Eufy camera and monitor, and we have a secret: no one bought it for us on our registry, so we bought it for ourselves with our Amazon baby registry completion discount!

We noticed that their support is fairly good. If you have any issues within 1 year of owning it, you should reach out. We had ours replaced after a year!

Crib products

As a first-time parent making a baby registry for the first time, of course I didn’t know much about cribs! All I knew was that I was getting a crib second-hand from my cousin, and I was incredibly happy about that. What else did I need?

Crib mattress

You’ll definitely need a crib mattress, and I’m thankful that we put one on our baby registry because it’s best to have a brand-new crib mattress for your baby.

Crib mattress protector

This is something I never would’ve known we needed if I hadn’t done immaculate research on my friends’ baby registries to see what I needed among important baby products. Crib mattress protectors are brilliant, and we got two (we needed both). They’ll protect the crib mattress from diaper blowouts, sweat and spit-up or vomit (it happens).

Crib sheets

I wasn’t picky about crib sheets, but cute ones were a plus. We put one crib sheet on our registry, and received the rest of our crib sheets second-hand, which was fine. We picked this cute Burt’s Bees crib sheet that comes in a little drawstring satchel.

Baby bath tub

Newborns can’t take baths in tubs—they need infant bathtubs! We got this super popular one and we used it for baths in the sink until our daughter outgrew it. It’s a staple of a baby registry.

Baby’s first utensils and bowls sets

While it seems like light years away, eventually your baby will eat solid food! We started solids at six months and started using our baby’s first spoons and stick-on bowls.

Postpartum care

Postpartum care products on your registry are best if purchased before you give birth. If you’re talking to a friend and they offer to buy you gifts before you go into labor, suggest that they buy you things like the Peri Bottle and some nipple cream for breastfeeding. These were some of the most USEFUL registry gifts I got, right off the bat.

Breastfeeding products

As a first-time nursing mom, I never could’ve imagined the possibilities of breastfeeding and nursing products that would be good for my baby registry. Within a few days of taking our baby home from the hospital, I added things like nipple balm and a Medela hand pump to my baby registry.

If I had known what would be best, I would’ve added all these essential breastfeeding products for a baby registry.

Diaper Fund

If you’re looking to save money with a baby before your baby is born, trust me on this: have a “Diaper Fund” in your baby registry.

This is a spot where people who want to give you gifts can give a cash gift that you can use toward diapers, which are one of the most frequent expenses with newborns and infants. Here is how to set up an Amazon registry diaper fund.

Helpful Tip

If you have found a type of diaper you want gifted to you, you can also simply add diapers to a registry. I had a lot of luck with sustainable diapers, which I discuss in my DYPER plant-based diaper review.

Or an Amazon gift card

If you are doing an Amazon baby registry like I did, you can make the final “gift” in your registry a simple “gift card.” This way, if your registry gets totally bought out, friends and family can still get you a gift card that you’ll undoubtedly use for toys, clothes, wipes or diapers in your child’s first months.

What should you leave off your baby registry?

After a lot of thinking, I came up with a list of things I didn’t need or didn’t want to have on my baby registry. I still stand by all these choices, based on my experience! See the things you really don’t need on your baby registry and let me know if you agree.